Your vote decides who takes home the booty!
Every year, we search Bloodworth from top to bottom for the pinnacle posterior, the best backside, the chicest cheeks.
Will Bob Baron hold on to the title of top tush or will his sister slap his bum off the throne? With three lesser kin on the roster, will we see a non-elf champion for the first time?
Cheeky Content
This page contain elven shenanigans that may not be suitable for shy human eyes, such as suggestive themes, crude humor, and butts. Viewer discretion is advised.
Meet the Contestants
Valari female, 5C97 (age unverified)
The real Aroish, she insists. The Holder of Worlds, Fate Grasper, Death Defier, Doom Bringer, and so on…
Samantha “Silver”
Lerna female, 42
Quartermaster on the Golden Grave. Reputable privateer. Not a pirate. Very important that we do not in any way imply anything else, she says.