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Meet Marbles’ Malarkey and the bath attendants who make your visit a soothing experience. In this guide to the baths we learn how different circles of elves contribute to the well-oiled machine that is an Elven bathhouse.

Bathhouse Attendants

Working at the Bathhouse

Large bathhouses as the Elizeium have many circles working within its walls, not only bath attendants, but a variety of Elves carrying out large range of tasks needed to keep the bathhouse running. Each circle operates somewhat independently as long as they follow the basic rules of their over-circle.

Being part of a larger organization, like the baths, carry some benefits for a circle. For example, they don’t need their own steward as food and housing is provided. Which means, the attendants’ circles can be smaller than most regular circles, consisting of only a handful of people.

What is an Attendant?

Bath Attendants are the staff you as a visitor will see the most of in the bath. They are the customer facing staff that work to make your stay is as pleasant as possible. They are in charge of the reception, clothes storage, and serving food and drink. You can also pay a fee for a massage, scrubbing, or a snuggle.

Bathhouse Staff

You can recognize the workers in the bath by the color of their dress.

Yellow: Bath Attendants.
White: Chefs and kitchen staff.
Green: Custodians (maintenance of the baths and the art).
Black: Peacekeepers.
Undyed linen: Basement worker (laundry, furnaces, and other behind the scenes work).
Maroon: Elize’s private staff.

Marbles’ Malarkey

A young circle started by Marbles after having made a name for herself at the Pools of Bob. Iso, who already worked at the Elizeium, quit his circle as soon as he heard Marbles was creating her own. They found Nem, who was on her pilgrimage to Bloodworth and who already had experience working at the bath all the way at Wisdom’s Shadow. 72, the squid, was recruited soon after. Joy is the latest addition, on her very first apprenticeship.

Circle Facts

Craft: Bath Attendant.
Over-circle: Elizeium Baths Administration.
Under-circles: None.


  • Maribella “Marbles” (Master & Envoy)
  • Iso Estoll
  • Nem’ashen
  • 72 of Trii
  • Joy Truetale (Apprentice)


Marbles: …as I was saying, you got to keep an eye out for the kind of elf with oil to burn.

Doing a good job only gets you so far, but doing a good job for the right elves… That’s how you make the big flask in this business.

So, can you spot a good customer?

Joy: Hmm… What about her?

Marbles: Oh, interesting. Why her?

Joy: She keeps splashing everyone, yet no one has told her off…

You don’t get to behave that much a fool without being someone.

Marbles: Ay, ain’t that the truth. That’s the boss’ sister.

…I’m not sure you are ready to dive that far into the deep end of crazy just yet.

72: land-fish, so tasty!

Nem: …It’s dodo, not fish.

72: Leg-people have strange name for fish.

Elven books as homework: Tongue Twisters: Rhetoric & Agility Exercises, Why We Bathe: A History of Elven Bathhouses, Miranda’s Snuggle Handbook, Rock Hard: A Study of Nude Statues, and Tickle My Fancy.