Step Into Bloodworth
You catch your breath for a second after the long walk up the stairs. You made it to the Mid-Ward, the middle tier of the elven city, the heart of trade and elven culture. Elves and lesser kin mingle in a bustle of activity. Fashions of all kinds mix. Carts overflowing with goods from all across the cave are hauled off towards the market.
Just inside the gates you notice a wall that stands out in the otherwise pristine city. “Poster here” the wall proclaims at the top, and so the elves have. It’s plastered with advertisements of every manner, products from the strange to bizarre, proudly displayed with all their benefits. Those socks are long indeed, oil for coins, pickles? The colorful wall is almost too much for your human sense to take in. I dare say, if they listed what wasn’t on sale, the wall would be bare.
“Ah, a fellow traveler, yes?” a humming voice pipes up from below.
You glance down and your heart skips a beat as you see a squid… thing, looking back at you. Terrifying or kind of cute, it’s hard to tell. Standing up on its tentacles it reaches just past knee height, and you notice its little tailored cloak wrapped around its body. You knew that there were other kin than just elves living in the city, you just weren’t prepared for something so strange.
“A hooman, am I correct?” it asks, “I try to learn to tell you walkers apart. No pointy ear, make you hooman, yes?”
“Eh… Yes..” you begin, but the squid interrupts.
“You know of goat milk? Terribly difficult to find at sea. Hooman grow goats, yes? Take their milk? See, I read, elf book about food and baths. Is why I am on land, to taste all the foods that live in air, and to swim in tiny seas built by elf.”
As it happens the squid creature stumbled upon the one poster you might have some knowledge of. The life on a farm in the human lands is what you tried to escape coming all the way to the Elven city, but it did teach you about goats.
“Tell me, tell me, where I find food in this strange Elf place, does Hooman know?”
Come to think of it, the long walk up the stairs has made your stomach grumble. You look around, “Can’t be that hard to find, I suppose.”
“Excellent! Hooman pick me up, stone bottom makes tentacles tired. Come on, pick up, walky walky, get food. Hooman hungry too? I pay, hooman food!”