Ria Ri: Arrives on Diplomatic Mission to Bloodworth
With great spectacle and much fanfare, the royal caravan paraded the Queen of Cinder through the Bloodworth streets. Elize Crane, along with her sister, greeted the Queen as she arrived at the Elizeium Baths all the way from Cinder.
The three-hundred-strong guard, the army of servants, and the stone-shell caravan could hardly have been missed by anyone as Queen Ria Ri was carried on her throne through the city.
The details of her diplomatic mission remain secret, but she sure has come a long way from the center of the cave. Speculations are already rampant.
Is Ria here to strengthen trade across the unclaimed lands? Does she intend to remove the Humans who live there and expand her empire? Or does she simply want to try the legendary Elizeium Baths? Perfect ad segue…
Visit the Elizeium Baths
Are you dirty or stressed? Relax your weary soul.
Join me in the best bathhouse in Bloodworth
Back to the news… Maybe Ria is just looking for inspiration for her next pyramid? As it happens, there is a large one half submerged in the Crimson Sea by the island of Ryde. But no point in me adding to the rumors…
Lets look at the facts:
Who is Queen Ria Ri?
Ria Ri famously defeated the three Amber clans and united them under her own banner. Criticized at the time for being a warmonger, but in hindsight she brought about an age of peace and prosperity for the Amber Elves. She now rules over a large part of the central cave, from the Burning Fields and beyond.
Why is she a Queen and not a Princess, like Crimson rulers?
Elven kings and queens were common in the past, but after the Triquennium of Tyrants the title was mostly abandoned in favor of prince and princess. It was deemed that no one elf should rule over more than a single city and its associated lands. The Amber Elves, however, have kept the old tradition, claiming to be descendants of the original Elves and having a right to rule.
Where will the Queen be staying?
The Snooze Dome on the top floor of the Elizeium Baths has been closed to the public and will act as the residence of the Cinder entourage during their stay. I have been told visitors are welcome if they bow to the Queen.
Does the Queen have any hobbies?
Pyramids! Ria Ri has revived another tradition, building grand pyramids like the Elf rulers of old. Ria is modeling her pyramid after the most prolific builder from ancient times, Emperor Falnori Esko, who believed his pyramids would bring him immortal life.
Whether Ria seeks immortality herself, or if merely domination over the mortal realm will suffice, remains to be seen.
Elf Facts: The Amber Elves
At the center of the world, amidst the sprawling deserts that embrace the burning pillar of fire, dwells the Amber Elves. These Elves have become uniquely adapted to the scorching temperatures of the Flame, their skin turning clear and glass-like, revealing their skeletons underneath. Their bodies run hotter than those of other Elves, making them virtually immune to the touch of ordinary fire.
In the rest of the cave, they are known for their trade caravans that bring exotic wears from far away lands beyond the deserts. They are not only skilled merchants but also master builders and renowned warriors. Now, united under one banner, who knows how far their empire will reach.